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Questions & Answers
Q: Does this work inside WordPress?
A: You can use the Form Action Method and simply have a standard form with in your word press page and set the form action to point to a separate Form1 GoldMine processing code (php file). See for details.
Question and Answer Item 2058401 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: The owner of this site is moving it to a different domain name very shortly. Can the license be amended to the new domain name so that the forms will work? The old name will no longer be needed. Many thanks.
A: The registered domain is embedded in the form code when it is built so the forms will not run on the new domain unless they are rebuilt with a Form1 Builder registered to the new domain. To register Form1 Builder for the new domain you can purchase a license upgrade for an additional domain from or a new license from
Question and Answer Item 2058391 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I would like to use your Human Intelligence Identification scripts in my forms. My website is hosted by and they tell me that my site supports PHP. I've downloaded your Trial version of Form1 builder and tried using your trial code to see if PHP is running on my site but it doesn't seem to work. Now what?
A: Have you tried running our Test Code at ? If so what was the result? If that works check the Code trouble shooting guide at .
Question and Answer Item 2058381 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I'm a freelance web developer, and a couple of clients are requesting forms on their sites. I can build the form in HTML, and their servers work with PHP mail returns (POST). What I am looking for is software that will build the PHP scripts for the forms and help me set up an info return form to my clients with all the input data listed in a clear and readable format (not just a PHP jumble). I don't need anything complex; the info they want to collect would need basic data fields, a multiple choice field, and a text message input field. I've never gone beyond a very basic understanding of programming, and I need help! Will your software enable me to provide my clients with web forms that will deliver the collected data in a list they can easily understand?
A: Yes. Form1 Builder provides a script that sends the submitted form data to a nominated email address. You can give t a test run for free. An alternative that processes the form data on our server is using this approach you only need to point your form action to your bizpep url (no form processing scripts to worry about).
Question and Answer Item 2058368 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Does Site Builder Software produce forms for sending emails from website s?
A: No, but you can add forms and from processing using Form1 builder software .
Question and Answer Item 2058353 - Browse All Question and Answer Items