Password Protect Page allows you to add password protection to any web page. To password protect a page on your server set a password, Generate Password Protect Code, add the code to the very top of your page, upload this to your server and open the uploaded file in your browser. For details see ? help...

: set password only use alpha-numeric or ._+- characters. This is the password required to access your password protected page.


Password Protect Page allows you to add password protection to any web page. It generates password protection code which is added to the top of a web page to prevent unauthorized access. When the web page is called from the server the password protection code runs before the web page is sent to the user. Instead a password request page is displayed in the users browser. When the user submits a password it is compared to the password set in the page protection code. If they match the protected web page is sent from the server. This provides a high level of security and reliability. The code is fully processed on the server and no secure information can be sent to the user until a password match is confirmed.

To use Password Protect Page on your server set a password and generate your Password Protect code. Add the code to the very top of your page, upload this to your server and open in your browser. You can check your site headers and file content response with the HTTP Header Viewer.

Password Protect Page is automatically incorporated into our note web notes application.

The generated password code runs on your web server and your server must support the php scripting language. Most commercial web servers support php. For information on php and how to check if it is available on your server goto What is php?