Human Intelligence Identification (hii) is designed to prevent web forms being submitted by automated robot scripts. To use hii on your web forms set a hiianswer, Generate Code, add the code to the very top of your form processing page, then add a hii question and hii answer input field to your form. For details see ? help...

If you prefer a fully integrated single file form that already incorporates Human Intelligence Identification you might like to try our form1 single file web form.

: set hii answer only use alpha-numeric or ._+- characters. This is the hii answer required to submit your web form.


Human Intelligence Identification (hii) is designed to prevent web forms being submitted by automated robot scripts. Automated robot scripts are used maliciously to send Form Spam and Hijack Web Forms. Human Intelligence Identification only allows form processing if a correct answer to a set question is provided when the form is submitted. The question can be in any format or structure. A script robot cannot interpret the meaning of a text question nor does it have the capacity to provide a correct answer. In fact it does not even know an answer is required. This applies for even the simplest of questions.

Human Intelligence Identification is fully integrated both server and client side into our form1 single file web form which can be run on your server or can be added to other php supported form processing scripts.

Human Intelligence Identification will look for the Human Intelligence Identification Answer ($hiianswer) in a form submission. If the Answer is not correct the form will not be processed.

To use Human Intelligence Identification on your server set a Human Intelligence Identification Answer and generate your code. The answer should be in lowercase letters. For example: $hiianswer="a";

In the code you can also set a url to be displayed if an incorrect Human Intelligence Identification answer is provided by the user. For example:


If $hiiurl is left empty the default hii error message is displayed when an incorrect hii answer is given

In your form page add the Human Intelligence Identification question and a text input field with name name="hii" and id="hii" for the Human Intelligence Identification answer input by the form user. For example:

What is the first letter of the alphabet?
<input type="text" name="hii" name="hii" />

Copy and paste all the code (including the php start and end tags) to the very top of your form processing code above all other code.

The generated code runs on your web server and your server must support the php scripting language. Most commercial web servers support php. For information on php and how to check if it is available on your server goto What is php?

How it works

The Human Intelligence Identification Script looks for the Human Intelligence Identification Answer provided in a form submission. If the Answer is not correct the form will not be processed. This effectively prevents forms submitted by automated robot (bot) scripts from being processed. It blocks automated form span and can also decrease the risk of form hijacking.

The concept underlying the Human Intelligence Identification Script is similar to the that used in Captcha. Captcha is the application of distorted text images that are difficult for bots to decipher. It is extensively used as a human verification test in web form submissions to block automated form submissions by bots. Human Intelligence Identification possesses the advantages of Captcha but is much simpler to implement, cannot be bypassed using OCR (optical character recognition) and is more user friendly, with less accessibility issues. Human Intelligence Identification is an easy to implement, east to use, and effective alternative to Captcha.

To use Human Intelligence Identification in your web forms on your server:

If a form is submitted without the correct Human Intelligence Identification Answer form processing is blocked, no delivery email is sent and the $hiiurl is displayed if provided or the default hii required message is displayed.

The hii Question and Answer used can be pretty much anything you like but it should be simple and clear. A human should never get it wrong. If the wrong answer is given it is most likely a robot and processing is terminate, no email sent. For example:

One of the strengths of Human Intelligence Identification is that the Question can be freely set by the form developer. This makes it very difficult for bot developers to identify a question pattern and related answer that can be programmed into the bot.

The question can be generic, related directly to your site or type of visitor, a fill in the blank, some text on your page, java script prompt text, a select dropdown list, radio buttons or even a password (if you want to limit form submissions even for some real users).

Additional form processing, spam blocking options and information...