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Questions & Answers
Q: I would like to submit my BAS form online for 2022. Kindly send me the link as I have failed to complete the BAS with the assumption that I don't have any business activity.
A: The Australian Tax Office manages GST and BAS. You should contact them, for details see their gst page at .
Question and Answer Item 2058536 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Thanks for your earlier response. As yet I've been unable to back-up my data -software wont let me. Can I just confirm that to successfully do this I need to pay the years subscription and that will then allow a back-up of my current HTTP data. Once this is done I will then be able to import the data into the new HTTPS version of the software and I'll be up and running again? The software is great and easy to use, I don't have a problem paying - I just want to make sure that will fix the problem
A: Yes, Backup and Restore functions are only available when subscribed to BAS-I.C Plus. Purchase a subscription and access BAS-I.C using the paid subscription link emailed after you subscribe. This link can be used with either https:// or http:// (just add or remove the "s" in the url) to access local data, backup from http and restore from https. Let me know if I can help further.
Question and Answer Item 2058531 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Hi, I appear to have lost my accounts recently. I've been using your software package to keep track of incomings / outgoings and find it very useful and easy to use. I tried to go HTTP as suggested (for figures up to end of June 23) but it was still blank. Any ideas please? I hope I haven't lost everything. All data was automatically online and I didn't back up often.
A: To transfer protocols from HTTPS a HTTP data a Backup is required, your Account Code on HTTPS is enabled using Resend your Account Code from and from a Full Restore is performed. This will fully set up your account on HTTPS. All data is saved locally via your browser on your computer in the protocol used. Automatically saved data can only be accessed from the same computer and browser from which it was saved and from the same protocol ie HTTP or HTTPS. This means to automatically use saved data you need to use the same computer, browser and protocol that it was saved from. If your computer/browser data storage is cleared the data will be cleared. When you change protocols onty the data saved in the protocol used can be displayed. So if you change protocols you must save from HTTP and a restore from HTTPS. Also keep in mind that only data for the selected period is displayed. To see all data click ALL, List View, Revenue/Expense. BAS-I.C also allows you to access and save data in other formats using Share, Backup, Archive and Export functions. If you have the data saved via one of these functions you can reinstate it using Restore or Import.
Question and Answer Item 2058530 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Hi David, I did what was asked but all my data history was not there? It also asked me to join BAS-IC plus? I thought I was already paid up also? Please advise what I need to do next?
A: From what I can see the email used is not a BAS-IC account email? There does appear to be a previously used email account however the account has expired. Since expiration the account has been in Free mode. To fully use all functions a current BAS-IC plus account is required. With a current BAS-IC plus account you will be able to Backup your data from HTTP and fully Restore your data to HTTPS.
Question and Answer Item 2058529 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: bas-i.c HTTPS transaction and account data update
A: HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure encryption is enabled providing improved communication security. HTTPS and HTTP http :// are currently available however transaction and account data is only accessible in the protocol it was saved. All data to June 2023 is HTTP, to access this please use http :// . It is recommended that for all HTTP data a Backup is performed, your Account Code on HTTPS is enabled using Resend your Account Code from and from a Full Restore is performed. This will fully set up your account on HTTPS. HTTPS should be used for future transactions. HTTP is scheduled for removal at the end of 2023.
Question and Answer Item 2058528 - Browse All Question and Answer Items