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Questions & Answers
Q: I'd like to trial Shift Scheduler Continuous Excel 30. I'm from a library and we are looking for rostering software to auto generate a roster for our service desks.
A: You can download this software free of charge for evaluation from
Question and Answer Item 2058196 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I registered PPPS and was told my downloaded trial software was enabled but when I open it I continue to get the JavaScript message saying I am on day __ of my 7 day trial. How do I get rid of that and how can I tell if my software is fully functional?
A: Registration details must be entered in your software as outlined in the Registration Details sent in your registration email. To do this open your software file PasswordPageProtection.html Click Registration in the Control Menu at the top of your software, scroll down to and click the 'When you have your Registration Details Click here' button. Input the requested Registration Details exactly as provided to register your software and enable all functions. Javascript and cookies should be enabled for registration. Registration details are recorded as cookies on your computer. If your cookies are blocked, cleared or removed you will loose the registration details and will need to re-input them to build a registered form. To maintain the registration details entered ensure cookies are enabled and are not cleared or blocked. Registration status is displayed when you click Registration in the Control Menu at the top of your software. When you build the code the top line says Software : Password Page Protection Software Evaluation version 1.1 if it is built with unregistered software and Software : Password Page Protection Software Registered version 1.1 if built with registered software. If you still have difficulty let me know exactly what you are doing and the result and I will be able to assist further.
Question and Answer Item 2058193 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Are these tools for business coaches to use on clients? If yes, please can you email me costs for all tools.
A: Yes business coaches can apply components or all of our software titles to provide client services. Our Business Planning page outlines a structured business development plan and applicable software for business coaches. When you purchase a Commercial license for your software it allows the commercial use of software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. Full pricing for all our software is outlined at . For coaching a Commercial license is required. The cost of a single user Commercial license for each software title applied in Business Planning is US$207.00 each. The software titles are Business Valuation Model, Forecast and Budget Builder, Pricing and Breakeven Analysis, Profit Contribution Model and Decision Assistant Model. Consultants can tailor make support packages for clients by applying all or selected software titles.
Question and Answer Item 2058164 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I built a website just once with front page. Do I need any experience to use this software to build a new site? Do you have any support available with the terminology that I am not used to and even guiding me through?
A: No experience required, pretty much all you need do is be able to upload files to your server (through your domain/web site host control panel is probably easiest) . We provide support via our contact us form and are happy to assist. You can download the software free of charge for evaluation to give it a test run from . There is also lots of information and examples at .
Question and Answer Item 2058160 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I am looking for an investment analysis tool that I can use for justifying an investment in a new business outside the US. I have a simplistic dcf / payback analysis that is typically used for capital expenditure justification. I am looking at your "Business Valuation Model" but this doesn't seem to take into account initial and recurring capital expenditures required. Do you have a different model or models you can suggest?
A: The valuation model provides both an interest expense which reflects the cost of capital and a Depreciation Allowance which is a capital allownace based on the value of Business Assets and Asset life. So if you have operational capital requirements you can determine the cost of capital ie the interest rate appliacable if the capital was fully financed and apply this as a fixed Interest expense. If the capital relates to depreciaing assests then then it should be reflected as Depreciation (related to Assets and Asset life inputs). If you prefer you can also simply add a recurring capital requirement as an Other expense item. If the required capital varys with sales then enter it as a Varible Other item, if the required capital tends to be a fix overhead amount included it as a Fixed Other item. FYI we have just released a browser based valuation model that applies discounted cash flow to determine NPV it is based on the same methodology as the Business Valuation Model and Business Analysis Modules. It can be assessed from re ..
Question and Answer Item 2058157 - Browse All Question and Answer Items