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Questions & Answers
Q: Hello, how difficult will be to change the file not to 3 but for 20 years analysis?
A: We do have a browser based Business Valuation Model at which allows you to set the forecast years up to 10 years. This model applies the same methodology as the Excel based version. It is worth noting that as the number of forecast years is increased the reliability of the forecast decreases because the further into the future we look the less certain it becomes. Generally a 3 year forecast provides a solid base for analysis. Adjusting the Excel version for increased years would require a rework of the calculation sheets (not a straight forward exercise) however another option is to simply build a number of consecutive forecasts using the outputs of the first as the inputs of the second etc you could apply this approach to build a forecast for as many years as required.
Question and Answer Item 2058311 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Downloaded the excel verison of Queuing Model for evaluation. I cannot open the file as it requires a password. Is there a way I can eval the product or do I need to puchase?
A: You should be able to open and extract the excel file from the download file. Then open the Excel file. In the Excel file input cells (blue) are not protected and are the only cells that should be changed for the software to function correctly. All input is via unprotected input cells, protected cells contain formula and should not be changed. The software is fully functional and the protection is in place to ensure the software formula and code is not corrupted. Please refer to the instructions sheet for details. If you continue to have difficulty please let me know exactly what you are doing and I can assist further.
Question and Answer Item 2058294 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Is this software compatible with Mac?
A: Most likely not, it is designed to run on Excel and uses a fairly high level of macros which are not always supported on Mac systems. However you can give it a test run on your system in evaluation mode to confirm, simply download from .
Question and Answer Item 2058280 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: Had an old copy of Business Valuation Software called "Price Point" and lost it with my old desktop computer that crashed. Wanted to know if this software was the same or descendent of that software.
A: No, our online valuation software is based on our original Business Valuation Model Excel, details on this spreadsheet based software are at . Full details on the online version (the one you have been looking at) can be accessed from .
Question and Answer Item 2058273 - Browse All Question and Answer Items
Q: I'm trying to buy a business valuation software & was going through your website. Do you provide any sample template of how the Business valuation report looks, before we purchase?
A: You can see and test our online Business Valuation Software at . This uses example inputs but allows you to select the different sections to see the outputs ie select Valuation from the top menu to see the Valuation data. You can also download and test our Excel base Business Valuation from , there are screen shots at .
Question and Answer Item 2058265 - Browse All Question and Answer Items